Year: 2021

Location: Spearwood, Western Australia

The owners of this property fell in love with an exquisite three-branched grass tree landscaping, and asked us to design a native verge garden around it. Working within the local council regulations for verge planting, and integrating a young fuchsia gum from council into the design, we made a meadow of kangaroo paws, banksia, and rushes, with a layered sandstone rock from up North and a rusted Corten sphere as further centrepieces.

Six months after planting the Corten curve that provides the backdrop for the grass tree has developed a beautiful patina of rust, and the grevilleas are starting to provide a privacy screen for the front room of the house. The local birds have adopted the copper birdbath, and the planting in this young Western Australian native garden virtually hums with life. The grass trees are also settling in, catching even the gentlest breeze.